Thursday, April 12, 2012

Choose the Right

This past monday was the seventh class, the final prep class before heading to London.
What's the countdown now?
Hmm...I could tell you in English,
I know a little Spanish,
I learned French in the eighth grade but I don't remember much....
So...I will tell you in K-Briggs language.

"I leave in 12 days, holla holla, wassup!"

That really is the only way I know how to say it. :)
And I look a little like this bloke here:

Except it needs some "raise-the-roof" action...then it would look just like me.
(not including the fact that he's male and a British wizard on the telly)

Anyways...this last prep class was all about safety while living abroad
as well as
last minute details for packing and such.

Here's what I took from it:

- Don't go anywhere by yourself, especially when it's dark out
- Boys on the Tube are creepy, so don't talk to them
- If you want to stick out as an American, all you gotta do is be loud and wear flip flops
- "Duck into your local mortuary to be safe"-Professor Elliott...haha, oh goodness.
His logic: Who wants to follow someone in there?
- Don't do anything illegal:
The only statues (that we know of) that you can legally climb on
are the Lion statues in Trafalgar Square.  Rarrr :)

And finally...
- Remember to look RIGHT, then left, then right again before crossing the street.
I choose to remember this by repeating "choose the right" over and over again in my head.

Hey, that's kinda sorta how I remember which way
to pass the food at the dinner table...
"To the left, to the left"-Beyonce.
Who knew her song would have such far-reaching effects?

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for teaching me that nifty hand trick all those years ago,
you know where you make an "L" with your thumb and pointer finger,
so that I can tell my left from right.
I promise I will look right first before crossing the street
and that I will be safe while I'm out and about in London :)

P.S. I'll miss you!

London is right for me.  And hey, this spring, we're going to be right for eachother.
Dearest London,
Wait for me, I'll see you in 12 days!

Love always, Kelsey Jean


  1. This just made me cry. haha
    I am so jealous and wish it was be going to London in 12 days! You are so lucky so take advantage of every opportunity!

  2. Kels you are sooo cute!! I'm going to miss you this summer!
